Saturday, July 26, 2008

We've arrived!

And so has a tropical storm. Having never been in a tropical storm, I am slightly disappointed to find that it doesn't feel all that tropical. It is about 12 degrees here (Celsius, of course, and I have no idea what that actually translates to), rainy and windy. But, hey, it's my first tropical storm!
We arrived yesterday, about 5 a.m. local time; after making our way through customs, we stopped and picked up the keys to the rental car. Hilarious, in a frightening sort of way! If you can recall the first time you drove... Add to that the fact you are in a much larger, unfamiliar city. Throw in a few unfamiliar traffic signs. (What does an isocelese triangle mean to you? It's not an arrow, should you begin to think so. Don't worry, you'll catch on.) Oh, and everything is on the opposite side - the steering wheel, the turn signal, and the other drivers! I haven't driven yet, but I am practicing by giving Cory verbal directions to every movement (he swears he doesn't mind). Hopefully that is working, huh?

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