Friday, August 1, 2008


Ah, so my lunch get-together on Monday was at Alimento. It just wasn’t in the phone book apparently. I hope to get better at the accent soon, but I still struggle a little bit. The vowels are pronounced a little differently; “flatter” according to one guide book. Apparently you can tell by vowel pronunciation the difference between an Australian and a New Zealander. I was trying to discern this while listening to a conversation between an Aussie and a Kiwi yesterday, but any difference was too subtle for my thick skull, apparently.

Other little things fool me, too. Today, out grocery shopping (surprise), I was asked, as I’ve been asked several times “FlyBuys?” This is a nationally used discount program, where you accumulate points based on your purchases. So I’ve been asked this a dozen times, but I always stop, stand dumbly, slowly process, and respond after a several second delay. However, the guy at the gas station gave me an application for the program, so now maybe I can break out my card like a true Kiwi.

Another example of my occasional confusion… I asked to purchase a reusable bag at the grocery store. The clerk said yes, and then she asked for identification. I got out my Iowa driver’s license while thinking, “Did I misspeak? I just want to buy a bag. Why do they need ID? Did I ask for a lotto ticket on accident or something?” Of course the clerk was unsure what to do with my Iowa license and so flagged a manager down. The manager took one look at me and said, “Oh, she’s ok,” with a fair amount of confidence. That made me feel good that I must look reputable. It was then that I realized the clerk had just scanned my 6-pack of Tui, an NZ beer, and was trying to id me for that. Now the drinking age over here is 18, so I’m not sure what her concern was. That also explained the utter certainty the manager displayed upon looking at me. And I thought she must think me trustworthy – instead she just thought me plenty old!

While I’m thinking of it, I wanted to just ask what the US is showing on TV for the Summer Games. We’ve watched a little the past few nights, and I don’t know if it is just the selections of NZOne TV, but I feel like I am watching some atypical events. You know, it’s been four years, so maybe I’ve forgotten, but so far we’ve caught sculling, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, badminton, and table tennis. Maybe the other stuff just isn’t on yet or maybe the time zone thing is off or perhaps these are the events that Kiwis just get really pumped about. Hmmm…I could grow to love watching professional table tennis!


Lauren said...

Olympics- lets see, you are missing: Michael Phelps- swimming, he is now the most decorated Gold medal winner ever (11)!! Gymnastics, which Ryan and I just can't miss- Team won Silver last night (Tues.) which they should have won Gold, but many mistakes (which we don't speak of), so China won Gold. But a lot of controversy about team Chinas age. They are supposed to be 16, but they look like they are 10. Something about lying on thier passports, who knows. Maybe they will be stripped of the Gold in 6 months with some investigation. Other than that, I haven't seen any of the events that seem to be playing "down under". So maybe your TV is a little wack down there. Anyways, have fun!!

Jen Teusink said...

I agree w/ Lauren above regarding the Olympics. I have watched some badmitton, soccer, cycling, diving, tennis, volleyball, oh yeah and hand ball. During prime time its mainly swimming & gymnastics right now.
Hope all is well! I love reading you blog!!! Keep us updated!

"Patterson" said...

This is my third try....boy am I bad at this.....